Assalamualaikaum sahabat relawan,
Tsunami Aceh 2004, menewaskan lebih dari 250 ribu jiwa di 14 negara lain dan membanjiri masyarakat pesisir dengan ketinggian gelombang air laut sampai 30 Meter, menyapu bersih tiap sudut kota dan desa.
17 tahun telah berlalu, ingatan dan kenangan selalu membekas di hati rakyat aceh, khusunya mereka garda terdepan, TNI / Polri serta para relawan dan saksi nyata yang masih hidup, yang sempat menyaksikan dan merasakan betapa hebatnya kuasa Allah 26 desember 2004 silam.
Bau tak sedap yang sangat menyengat sudah tercium di hidung kami,menemani dan mewarnai perjalanan kami untuk bertugas sebagai relawan ke Banda Aceh. Pada saat kami melewati kota Juang Bireuen, kami melihat para keluarga korban Tsunami Aceh membawa pulang orang-orang yang mereka cintai dalam keadaan yang sudah tidak bernyawa lagi. Rasa sedih dan duka terpancar di wajah lusuh seorang ibu yang terlihat di balik jendela mobilnya.
Kami melanjutkan kembali perjalanan kami, dengan rasa khawatir akan keadaan dan juga kondisi di Banda Aceh, Saat dalam perjalanan sekitaran samahani, ketua tim berpesan kepada saya, " saat nanti kita masuk kota Banda Aceh kamu jangan shock ya, kamu fokus bawa kendaraan saja ". dalam hati saya menebak-nebak apa , dan bagaimana sebenarnya keadaan disana.
45 menit kemudian, saya bersama tim relawan sampai di kota Banda Aceh, saya benar-benar sangat shock, karena seumur hidup saya, baru kali ini saya melihat begitu banyak jenazah di pinggir jalan. Saat kami tiba di simpang lambaro, pemandangan dahsyat yang menyambut mata kami adalah berjejernya ratusan jenazah yang sudah tidak sempurna lagi bentuk dan pakaiannya, ditambah dengan bau mayat yang sangat luar biasa menyengat.
Bau ini menetap di tubuh selama 3 hari setelah pulang dari banda aceh, dan menetap permanen di baju yang saya pakai ketika bertugas di Banda Aceh, sehingga terpaksa harus dibakar karena sudah tidak layak lagi untuk dipakai.
Setiap menitnya mobil truk reo milik TNI mengevakuasi korban meninggal akibat Tsunami Aceh, korban yang berseliweran menambah jumlah hitungan, hingga pekarangan sudah tidak mampu lagi menampung dan mengidentifikasi korban.
Sempat cekcok antara TNI sebagai evakuator dengan petugas PMI yg mendata, tapi akhirnya situasi antar lembaga kembali normal. Maklum semua lelah, semua tertekan, semua lapar dan haus pada saat itu.
Tak jauh dari sp lambaro kami buka posko, kami lebih memfokuskan untuk mensuplay bahan makanan bagi para survivor, Mata hampa survivor seakan-akan mereka seperti mayat hidup.
Kota apa ini? gumamku dalam hati, Kenapa kota ini seperti baru saja di jatuhkan bom atom seperti yang pernah saya nonton di film-film. tapi ini lebih tragis dari film tersebut, ini nyata ini benar adanya, saya melihat dengan dua mata saya sendiri.
Lumpur hitam yang berubah menjadi debu, tidak ada arus listrik, tidak ada makanan, tidak ada air bersih, tidak ada sinyal untuk komunikasi, yang ada hanyalah mayat-mayat manusia yang tidak lagi ter urus, tidak ada keluarga, sanak saudara, indomie mentah dan biskuit kering yang mengerti keadaan kami kala itu.
Saya sempat ditugaskan untuk menjemput para relawan di bandara, pesawat hilir mudik, wajah-wajah asing terlihat di bandara dengan rompi, seragam dan bendera yg beragam. Baik relawan dalam negeri maupun relawan dari luar negeri.
Disinilah, di tanah berlumpur dan sungai penuh mayat ini aku merasakan kebesaran Tuhanku, ayat-ayat alam-Nya menggusur kesombongan dan keangkuhan dunia, sudah tak ada lagi rumah mewah, yg tersisa hanya kloset jongkok dan lantai keramik yang sudah tinggal setengah, sudah tak ada lagi warna hijau alam , yang terlihat hanyalah daun layu dan pohon kering yang seakan rukuk berjamaah menghadap sang pencipta.
Diantara reruntuhan tembok pemukiman warga, tuhan hanya menyisakan Rumah-Nya, dibalik reruntuhan rumah, tuhan menyisakan kalamnya ( Al-quran ), dan masing-masing dari kami yang hadir punya pelajaran tersendiri yang bisa diambil.
Mulai dari sinilah Tuhan mengubah arah hidupku, jalan kerelawanan pilihanku, hingga berjodoh dengan seorang relawati yg bertugas mengurus akomodasi relawan, merintis bisnis agar tak terikat dgn pekerjaan untuk keperluan sebagai tanggung jawab seorang kepala rumah tangga.
Semoga Allah memberkahi kita semua dan keluarga kita, karena telah memberikan pilihan, bahwa salah satu jalannya adalah jalan kerelawan sebagai cara untuk mendapatkan Rahmat-Nya dan Syafaat Kekasih-Nya di akhirat kelak. Amiiin
Rauzi Haristia,
Ketua MRI Kota Lhokseumawe
26 Desember 2021.
Assalamualaikaum volunteer friends,
The 2004 Aceh tsunami, killed more than 250,000 people in 14 other countries and flooded coastal communities with sea waves up to 30 meters high, sweeping away every corner of towns and villages.
17 years have passed, memories and memories always remain in the hearts of the people of Aceh, especially those who are at the forefront, the TNI / Polri as well as volunteers and real witnesses who are still alive, who witnessed and felt how great the power of God was on December 26, 2004.
A very pungent odor was already wafting in our noses, accompanying and coloring our journey to serve as volunteers to Banda Aceh. As we passed the city of Juang Bireuen, we saw the families of the victims of the Aceh Tsunami bringing home their loved ones in a lifeless condition. Sadness and sorrow radiated on the shabby face of a mother who was seen behind her car window.
We resumed our journey, worried about the situation and conditions in Banda Aceh. While traveling around Samahani, the team leader advised me, "When we enter Banda Aceh city, don't be shocked, you just focus on bringing the vehicle". In my heart I was guessing what, and how things really were there.
45 minutes later, I and the volunteer team arrived in the city of Banda Aceh, I was really in shock, because in my entire life, this is the first time I have seen so many bodies on the side of the road. When we arrived at the lambaro intersection, the terrible sight that greeted our eyes was the lined up of hundreds of corpses whose shape and clothes were no longer perfect, coupled with the smell of corpses which was extremely strong.
This smell lingered in my body for 3 days after returning from Banda Aceh, and permanently on the clothes I wore when I was on duty in Banda Aceh, so I had to burn it because it was no longer fit to wear.
Every minute the reo truck belonging to the TNI evacuates the victims who died from the Aceh Tsunami, the victims milling about increase the number of counts, until the yard is no longer able to accommodate and identify victims.
There was a quarrel between the TNI as the evacuator and the PMI officers who recorded the data, but in the end the situation between institutions returned to normal. Understandably all tired, all depressed, all hungry and thirsty at that time.
Not far from the lambaro spa, we opened a post, we focused more on supplying food for the survivors, the empty eyes of the survivors were as if they were like undead.
What city is this? I mumbled to myself, Why does this city feel like an atomic bomb has just been dropped like the ones I've seen in movies. but this is more tragic than the film, this is real this is true, I saw it with my own two eyes.
Black mud that turned to dust, no electricity, no food, no clean water, no signal for communication, there were only human corpses that were no longer taken care of, no family, relatives, raw indomie and dry biscuits who understood our situation at that time.
I was assigned to pick up volunteers at the airport, planes went back and forth, foreign faces were seen at the airport with various vests, uniforms and flags. Both domestic volunteers and volunteers from abroad.
Here, in this muddy land and river full of corpses, I feel the greatness of my Lord, the verses of His nature dispel the pride and arrogance of the world, there are no more luxurious houses, all that is left is a squat toilet and half of the tiled floor is gone. Again the green color of nature, what you can see are only wilted leaves and dry trees that seem to bow in congregation to face the creator.
Among the ruins of the residential walls, God only left His house, behind the ruins of the house, God left his word (Al-Quran), and each of us who were present had their own lessons to learn.
From here, God changed the direction of my life, my chosen path of volunteerism, to matchmaking with a volunteer who was in charge of taking care of volunteer accommodation, starting a business so that I would not be tied down with work for the purposes of being the responsibility of a head of household.
May Allah bless us all and our families, for having given us the choice, that one of the ways is volunteering as a way to gain His Mercy and the Intercession of His Beloved in the hereafter. Amen
Rauzi Haristia,
Head of MRI Lhokseumawe
December 26, 2021.
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